Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Book Series list

This is a list of book series that I know have more to it, but aren't out yet for me to read:
Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
Insatiable by Meg Cabot
Rain Wild Chronicles by Robin Hobb

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

North & South

I have a new obsession. It is called "North & South". The original story is by Elizabeth Gaskell. I have watched the 2004 BBC mini series and I loved it. I can hardly wait for my sister Amber to see it. Here is a picture of the main character Richard Armitage. I have no idea why we aren't seeing him over hear in America more, but we need to. Because of his acting in this movie, I can totally see him making an awesome vampire. He is so dark and mysterious and his voice is really deep. He definitely needs to be discovered more.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lynn Kurland Movie Possibilities

Our family is obssessed with the Lynn Kurland Romance Novels (at least those of us that not you melanie) and we have decided to cast the characters for the future movies. Of course that means only the men because naturally I am the women... says Amber, Stacie, Janay, and soon to be Erin!!

Here we go...
Rhys-Eric Bana

Robin- Henry Cavill

Nicholas- Gabrial Macht

Jackson- Josh Duhamel

Miles - Ben Barnes


Colin(butcher)- Daniel Cudmore

Christopher (dragon)- Chris Pine


Kendrick- Matt Long

Jason- Steven Strait

Richard- Colin Farrell or James McAvoy

William- Ryan Reynolds

Gideon- Shawn Ashmore

Thomas- Jude Law

Connor- Kevin McKidd

Jamie- Gerard Butler

Ian- Chris Hemsworth

Patrick- Channing Tatum

Jesse- Kellan Lutz

Alexander- James Marsden

Zachary- Oliver Hudson

Samuel- Jason Lewis

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Time for a make over:

These are the movies and who should star in them:
1. Grease-Zach Efron as Danny and that's all that matters
2. Breakfast club

Friday, May 22, 2009

Because I said so

We just finished watching this and have decided that Gabriel Macht is BEAUTIFUL and definitly needs to get more movie action!! His smile is heart stopping.